...Bolusul nostru natural de aspirină, Aspitop, este un supliment pentru bovine cu acțiune rapidă, conceput pentru a combate durerea, febra și inflamația. Îmbunătățește confortul și starea de sănătate a vacii. Poate fi utilizat ca analgezic la fătare, la tăierea copitelor, în caz de șchiopătare și probleme cu copitele, în caz de mastită sau metrită, și ca prevenție în orice situație în care vaca pare să nu fie în formă sau să aibă dureri. Bolusul nostru de aspirină poate fi utilizat pentru vaci de peste 400 kg.
Indication :
Herbal medicine for catarrhal diseases of the respiratory tract.
The drug is used to improve the symptoms of chronic inflammatory bronchial diseases; Acute inflammation of the airways accompanied by coughing.
A notice:
If the symptoms persist or if you experience shortness of breath, fever or purulent or bloody sputum, you should see a doctor immediately.
The acerola cherry, which comes from Central and South America, is one of the fruits with the highest content of vitamins C. We are talking about a concentration 20 to 30 times higher than in oranges.
Vitamin C contributes towards a normal, healthy function in the immune system and metabolic energy rate. It also works as a trap for free-radicals, protecting the cells against oxidative stress.
Each capsule contains 400 mg acerola extract with 70 mg natural vitamin C.
1-2 capsules per day will suffice.
Art. No.:291
Prebiotics & Enzymes est un complément alimentaire fabriqué en France. Il contient 4 enzymes et 2 prébiotiques, des extraits de camomille et d’hibiscus. Une étude clinique atteste de l’efficacité de la poudre de kiwi choisie sur le bien-être et le confort digestif.
Ce complément alimentaire réduit les inconforts digestifs, améliore la digestion et favorise le développement d'une flore intestinale favorable.
Prebiotics & Enzymes se présente sous la forme d'une poudre soluble à l’arôme naturel pomme-hibiscus.
Gli integratori alimentari in capsule offrono una soluzione pratica e comoda per chi cerca di migliorare la propria salute e benessere. Questi prodotti sono progettati per essere facilmente ingeriti, garantendo un rilascio controllato dei nutrienti essenziali nel corpo. Le capsule gastroprotette e filmate assicurano che gli ingredienti attivi siano protetti dall'ambiente acido dello stomaco, migliorando l'assorbimento e l'efficacia complessiva.
Alline procap contains a unique high quality keratin. Keratin CynaPlus from Alline procap is the result of a patented production process that guarantees almost complete 95% bioavailability and the presence of 18 amino acids. Alline procap combines a natural keratin CynaPlus with a complex of eleven vitamins that provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking two capsules per day.
Allin procap contains three minerals that each play an essential role in the hair cycle. These three minerals provide 100% of the recommended daily amounts by taking 2 capsules per day.
Benfida Resveratrol Plus is een voedingssupplement dat een krachtige combinatie van gestandaardiseerde resveratrolrijke plantenextracten bevat, waaronder Japanse duizendknoop en druivenpitextract. Deze extracten zijn rijk aan resveratrol in al zijn vormen, evenals talrijke andere polyfenolen en flavonoïden. Resveratrol staat bekend om zijn antioxidatieve eigenschappen, die helpen bij het bestrijden van vrije radicalen en het ondersteunen van een gezonde celveroudering. Het supplement bevat ook quercetine, een flavonoïde die synergetisch werkt met resveratrol om de algehele gezondheid te bevorderen. Door dagelijks één capsule in te nemen, kun je profiteren van de voordelen van deze krachtige antioxidanten.
Melatonin is an indoleamine neurohormone whose levels vary in a daily cycle, thereby allowing the entrainment of the circadian rhythms of several biological functions in animals, plants, and microbes. Many biological effects of melatonin are transduced through melatonin receptors, including the MT1, MT2, and MT3 subtypes. Glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutases, and catalase are upregulated by melatonin.
EC number:200-797-7
Molecular Formula:C₁₃H₁₆N₂O₂
CAS No:73-31-4
Blue -green microalga spirulina nourishes and tones, helps fight deficiencies, and at the same time thanks to the high content of chlorophyll cleansing. Its ingredients are well absorbed. Next to the protein in spirulina there is a wealth of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, GLA and other nutrients. It is a rich source of easily absorbable protein, which accounts for about 70% of its weight. The protein contained in Spirulina is digested in up to 85%. It contains large amounts: vitamins D, K and B vitamins. It is also a good source: iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Thanks to the content of iodine, spirulina can help in the therapy of thyroid disease caused by its deficiency. Spirulina cleanses the liver and kidneys of toxins, improves blood quality, promotes the development of the proper intestinal bacterial flora and has the ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi and yeast. The decisive blue color is rarely found among food products.
Apistan rappresenta ancora il metodo più semplice per combattere la varroa. E' un efficace trattamento che non causa disturbo alle api e di notevolissima utilità nell'ambito di programmi di lotta integrata.
Apistan può essere utilizzato in qualsiasi periodo dell'anno ma i migliori risultati si ottengono quando viene applicato dopo l'ultimo flusso nettarifero.
Apistan è di facile utilizzo. Inserire 2 strisce fra i favi di covata (3-4 e 7-8 per arnie standard da 10 e 12 favi).
Una striscia nel centro della covata è sufficiente in alveari piccoli nuclei.
Lasciare le strisce per 6/8 settimane.
Non lasciare Apistan nell'alveare al termine del trattamento per evitare lo sviluppo di resistenza al principio attivo.
Busta da 10 strisce.
Codice Prodotto:708
Der Kennzeichnung Ihrer Produkte mittels modernster Codiertechnologie sind keine Grenzen mehr gesetzt!
Unsere Kennzeichnungssysteme sind für die variable, berührungslose Beschriftung von unterschiedlichsten Materialien in allen Branchen bestens geeignet. Eine stetige Weiterentwicklung der ausgefeilten Technik ist unsere oberste Devise. Flexibilität ist Grundvoraussetzung. Vielfältigste Anwendungsgebiete und die hohe Wirtschaftlichkeit unserer Codiersysteme sind vorbildlich!
Die Anwendungsgebiete unserer Ink-Jet Codiersysteme reichen von Mindesthaltbarkeitsdaten oder Lot-Nummern auf Verpackungen, über DataMatrix-Codes in der Pharma- und Automobilindustrie bis hin zur Bedruckung von Kabeln mit weißer, pigmentierter Kontrasttinte. Neueste Lasertechnologie ermöglicht zusätzlich zur Ink-Jet-Codierung eine dauerhafte, präzise und schnelle Kennzeichnung.
Zopiclone 7.5 mg is a medication typically prescribed to treat insomnia. It is a sedative-hypnotic that helps individuals fall asleep and stay asleep. It works by depressing the central nervous system and is usually recommended for short-term use due to the potential for dependence or side effects. Always use Zopiclone as directed by a healthcare professional, and never exceed the prescribed dosage.
Product name:FDP-mAb
Catalog #: CSB-AB2112
Description: mAb to Fibrin Degradation Product
Monoclonal Antibody to Fibrin Degradation Product
Format: Purified, Liquid
Storage Buffer: 10 mM PBS, pH 7.4
Storage instructions: Short-term store at 2-8°C. Long term store at –20°C. Avoid multiple freeze/thaw cycles.
Applications: Elisa,Immunochromatography,Immunoturbidimetry,ChemiLuminescence.
Recommended antibody pair for sandwich immunoassays:
Antibody-Capture Antibody-Labeling
FDP-01 FDP-07
Immunizer kapsülleri, çocuklar ve yetişkinler için bağışıklık sistemini güçlendiren etkili bir takviye ürünüdür. Günlük kullanımda bağışıklık sistemini desteklemeye yardımcı olur ve genel sağlık dengesini korur.
Les problèmes de digestions provoquent : aigreurs d'estomac et lourdeurs. Les légumes, la viande, l'alcool, sont générateurs d'aigreurs, de flatulences et dérangements. Ces problèmes continueront, même quand vous ne mangerez plus ce qui les a provoqués. Pour faciliter la digestion, Epibal prend en charge 3 phénomènes: difficulté à digérer, remontées acides, sensations de lourdeurs . Composition 100 % naturelle. Fenouil, Canelier, Origan, Lithothamne.
Nutrientes para las articulaciones.
Gluconato de manganeso, Extracto de Cúrcuma (Curcuma longa L., raíz) estandarizado, antiaglomerantes (estearato de magnesio, dióxido de silicio), cápsula de celulosa.
INGREDIENTES:Extracto de MEJILLÓN (MOLUSCO) de labio verde (Perna canaliculus ), Sulfato
MODO DE EMPLEO:tomar 1 capsula al día con un gran vaso de agua.
CONDICIONES DE CONSERVACION:consérvese en un lugar fresco y seco
Spiruline complément alimentaire naturel, est une algue bleue riche en protéines, fer, vitamines B12. Indiquée en cas de fatigue, de régime végétarien.
Die Alterung der Haut wird zum großen Teil durch die UV-Strahlung des Sonnenlichts ausgelöst. Hierbei bilden sie reaktive Sauerstoff-Radikale, die den Stoffwechsel in der Haut ungünstig beeinflussen. Durch Zusatz der Antioxidantien werden die reaktiven Radikale abgefangen und die Hautzellen geschützt, sowie der Alterungsprozess gemildert. Für kosmetische Zwecke werden oft Reservatrol, Q 10 oder grüner Tee Extrakt eingesetzt. Gerbsäure und Rosmarin Extrakte verbessern die Haltbarkeit von Nahrungsmitteln.
Die Vitamine sind enorm wichtig für die Profilierung und Neubildung von Zellen. Sie verbessern das Erscheinungsbild der Haut durch Anregung der Collagenbildung.
Pflanzenextrakte enthalten funktionelle Inhaltsstoffe, die je nach Region und Kultur vielfältige Anwendungen zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit und Schönheit finden. In den Pflanzenextrakten stecken Millionen von Jahren Evolution, ein jahrhunderte altes Wissen um Anwendungen sowie
Restylane® Lidocaine is used to add volume and fullness to the skin and to correct fine lines and wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead and the bilateral lines between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds). Restylane can also be used for lip enhancement. Contains lidocaine, a powerful anaesthetic, for a more comfortable injection.
The pack consists of: 1 x 1ml syringe.
für Tiefenbehandlungen unterschiedlicher Gesichtsbereiche.
Korrigiert tiefe Furchen und Falten, verbessert die Gesichtskonturen und stellt geschmeidiges Gewebevolumen wieder her. Verbessert zugleich die Hautelastizität und die Festigkeit. Häufiger Einsatz in den Wangen oder zur Behandlung von Nasolabialfalten, Marionettenfalten, Kinn und Gesichtsfalten.
Leicht anzuwenden und extrem komfortabel für den Patienten, bietet das Produkt schnelle Resultate und hinterlässt ein strahlendes Gesicht und ein jüngeres Aussehen.
23 mg/ml
Dynamische Viskosität
1.000.000 mPa.s
Mittlere oder tiefe Lagen der Lederhaut, Unterhaut
Volumen (ml)
Endotoxine (EU.g)
BDDE, ppm
8 bis 12 Monate
Tiefe Furchen und Falten: Nasolabialfalten, Falten unter der Unterlippe, Lippenkonturen und volumenbehandlungen, Wiederherstellung eines geschmeidigen Gewebevolumens an Wangenknochen...
We offer Private Label manufacturing for this product.
Ageflor Capsule & Sachet includes probiotics (Lactobacilius Acidophilus, Lactobacilius Rhamnosus ) and prebiotics (inulin) in its formulation. Ageflor Capsule & Sachet help to prevent and treat content for diarrhea, constipation lactose intolerance, tourist diarrhea, antibiotic-induce diarrhea.
It is used for regeneration of bowel epithelium and correction of dybiosis.Treatment starts with 1 capsule just before a meal and dosage are adjusted according to response. You can start to use 1 capsule per day and increase it to 2 capsules and 3 times per day.
La Spiruline est une microalgue faisant partie de la famille des cyanobactéries. Ces bactéries, vieilles de plusieurs milliards d’années, ont participé à l’émergence de la vie sur terre grâce à leur processus de transformation du CO2 en matière organique qui produit de l’oxygène.
Traditionnellement utilisée par les civilisations aztèques qui récoltaient l’algue comestible à la surface des lacs, elle est aujourd’hui consommée partout dans le monde. Pour répondre à la demande croissante, la spiruline, qui se développe naturellement dans les lacs des régions tropicales, est cultivée dans des bassins. Cette algoculture s’est largement développée aux ÉtatsUnis, en Afrique, en Chine et même en France. L’algue bleue est cultivée dans de grands étangs artificiels aux eaux chaudes et récoltée quotidiennement.
Grâce à sa composition nutritionnelle exceptionnelle, la spiruline est devenue un complément alimentaire incontournable aux multiples effets sur l’organisme
Multifunctional chemical peeling based on 15% mandelic acid. It exfoliates the epidermis, stimulating it to intensive regeneration. It evens out the color, supports collagen production, smoothes fine wrinkles and has an anti-aging effect firming the skin. Irreplaceable in the care of problematic skin. It regulates the secretion of sebum, prevents the formation of acne, effectively narrows enlarged pores. It does not cause photosensitization and can be used all year round. In summer, you should use a cream with a UV filter after its application.
Available Packages:Set of 3 positions ( Mandelic Acid 15%): Degreasing + acid peels + nutralization
Country of Origin:POLAND - AVA
Ventajas de Viagra para mujeres:
- no excita pero ayuda excitarse durante la estimulaciòn sexual;
- refuerza la circulación sanguínea de los órganos de pelvis pequeña;
- normaliza la lubricación vaginal natural;
- elimina la sequedad de la vagina;
- no es un afrodsiaco pero sube / refuerza / aumenta la libido;
- refuerza la sensibilidad de la zonas ìntimas;
- es muy efectiva en las mujeres después de histerectomía y durante menopausia;
- ayuda a conseguir orgasmo y sube las sensaciones orgàsmicas;
- permite recibir las sensaciones orgásmicas más duraderas.
Gli integratori alimentari in polvere offrono un approccio flessibile e personalizzabile per migliorare l'assunzione nutrizionale. Disponibili in bustine singole, bustine doppie, stick pack e barattoli, queste polveri soddisfano una varietà di esigenze e preferenze di salute. Sono ideali per le persone che amano creare miscele personalizzate o preferiscono mescolare i loro integratori con cibi o bevande. Che tu stia cercando di supportare il recupero muscolare, migliorare la digestione o aumentare la vitalità complessiva, questi integratori in polvere offrono una soluzione versatile.
L'adattabilità degli integratori alimentari in polvere li rende un favorito tra gli appassionati di fitness e le persone attente alla salute. Possono essere facilmente integrati in frullati, shake o pasti, permettendoti di personalizzare l'assunzione in base ai tuoi obiettivi specifici. Con un impegno per la qualità e l'efficacia, queste polveri sono formulate per fornire risultati ottimali, assicurandoti di ricevere i nutrienti di cui hai bisogno per prosperare. Incorporando questi integratori nella tua routine, stai facendo un passo proattivo verso il raggiungimento di uno stile di vita equilibrato e sano.
Folic acid and iodide are important for healthy physical and mental development. Amongst other things, folic acid contributes towards the growth of a mother's tissue during pregnancy and towards normal amino acid synthesis and haematopoiesis. Iodide supports a normal energy metabolism and the cognitive functions, i.e. all those processes in the brain which concern thinking, feeling, perception etc. Because Germany is a country low in folic acid and iodide, in particular those women wishing to have children, pregnant and breast-feeding women should supplement their nutrition with folic acid and iodide.
Each tablet contains 0.4 mg (= 400 µg) folic acid and 0.2 mg (= 200 µg) iodine.
Art. No.:1441
24 vital substances once a day!
An adequate supply of nutrients is a basic necessity for our well-being and vitality.
Already one A-Z capsule per day provides an adequate supply of vitamins, mineral nutrients and trace element needed in adults.
Art. No.:98